miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2013

Some thoughts about Green Lantern #23.1: Relic

There was another universe before ours.

An universe pretty similar to the one we currently have where beings called Lightsmiths used the power of emotions to do whatever they wanted, there was a disadvantage though, the light came from somewhere and it wasn't infinite. A scientist tried to warn the Lightsmiths to the danges of using the light indiscriminately but they didn't listen and after a while the life in the whole universe extinguished leaving alive just the scientist who tried to prevent this from happening.

I'm surprised about how much I loved this issue. I like Robert Venditti's run but I have also been criticizing it for not being that creative nor impressive, this issue changes the whole perspective of his run, he doesn't negate everything what happened on Geoff Johns' run about how the Rainbow Corps work but he adds some new mythos to it and actually presents quite intriguing questions about how the power of light affects the whole universe.

Relic has also an interesting backstory and motivation to his actions which makes his current actions much more relatable.

Rags Morales' art is beautiful, is good to see him back in form after his rushed work on Action Comics.

Anyway, best issue from Venditti's run. Lights Out looks much more exciting now.

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