martes, 22 de septiembre de 2020

Some thoughts about Batgirl #49

Who is killing Batgirls?

A mysterious murderer has been killing red-headed girls around Gotham and is up to Barbara to figure out who the culprit is.

Yeah, the culprit is James Gordon Jr. Big surprise.

After a solid opening storyarc, it seems like Cecil Castellucci just wants to offer predictable story after predictable story. Is not like I was expecting much from the writer of Female Furies, but the Oracle storyline was fine on its own. Unfortunately, it seems like the writer is devoid of any more interesting ideas.

James Jr. apparently suffered from schizophrenia now and thus a second personality was forced him to kill girls who looked like Barbara. First of all, him being a psychopath was already compelling enough to keep telling stories about him, this just overly-complicates his character and made him more redundant along with all the other schizophrenic villains. Second and most importantly, notice how I keep using past tenses here? Well, is because Castellucci apparently killed him without even giving him a compelling moment so there won't be more stories about him. Great.

Not the only problem since the writer still makes Commissioner Gordon overly-incompetent by completely ignoring his daughter's connection to Batman (And it has been hinted several times in history that he does) while somehow blaming her for the death of James, oh, and let's not forget that Castellucci's Barbara blames him for his actions under The Batman who Laughs' infection. The characterization is just terrible and the overwritten narration makes matters worse.

Robbi Rodriguez' art is solid though with an angular style that gets interesting visuals and tone.

Aside from that, this is getting worse and worse.

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