martes, 22 de febrero de 2022

Some thoughts about The Human Target #5

What does the rest of the Justice League International hide?

Christopher and Ice's relationship has gotten even stronger and now he will learn that other people are also experiencing the same but with dangerous results.

As usual with Tom King, there are some things to like and some things to hate.

For example, I do like some of the ideas going on here. The exploration of Christopher's past is very interesting, perfectly connected to his relationship with Ice and even more importantly with how Martian Manhunter's powers work, in fact this works in several levels due that this allows for plot progression and gives us more clues about what's actually happening and even about the true nature of many of the characters.

ON THE OTHER HAND, this is another case of King trashing on a famous character. Martian Manhunter is known as one of the purest heroes out there, probably even more than Superman and here he's shown having an affair with Fire (Whose powers are J'onn's weakness and he probably likes it because of course King has to inject some sort of "dark twist"). The problem with J'onn's role here is not only that it interferes with the investigation complicating everything (and even forcing himself in the mind of the protagonist) but also that J'onn has a long history of being mostly a father figure to the whole team so him having a sexual relationship with Fire is all kinds of weird.

Greg Smallwood's art is amazing though, I really love how the story progresses from panel to panel showing an interesting transition in which different characters start to combine with one another creating a different interpretation of the read.

Yeah, this is just King being King and I'm not sure if I will like what comes next.

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