martes, 25 de enero de 2022

Some thoughts about The Human Target #4

The investigation is getting more and more complicated.

Christopher's search on who is trying to kill Lex Luthor will lead him to follow Ted Kord is his daily life although he can't help but being distracted by Ice.

Worked better than the last issue actually.

While in the previous chapter Tom King decided to pretty much deliver one of the worst portrayals of Guy Gardner ever, this time he decided for a more appropriate characterization for Blue Beetle, presenting him as simply a pretty decent guy who is just trying to keep his own company afloat while at the same time save the world as a superhero. This is basically the best way to portray someone like Ted by maintaining his status as an everyman but not necessarily negating the enmity he has with Lex Luthor, pretty surprised by how faithful this was actually.

Another interesting aspect is how the relationship between Christopher and Tora continues to develop in very believable ways. Yes, Tora has never been a "femme fatale" in the past but there are more layers to that portrayal here and allows for a pretty charming dynamic with the protagonist, showing how they're starting to fall in love with each other because of each interactions they have.

Greg Smallwood continues to rock on art duties thanks to his beautiful and unique style that depicts the story in inventive manners and with a lot of detail.

Solid read, let's see if the next one follows this trend.

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