martes, 4 de enero de 2022

Some thoughts about Batman #119

Who killed the Abyss?

Batman has learned that Lex Luthor has been funding Batman Inc. for years now and is apparently connected to the murder of an old enemy. However, he will soon realize that there are much bigger concerns about this mystery.

Getting more and more interesting although a bit predictable.

Joshua Williamson offers a new installment where he explores more about the relationship between Bruce Wayne and Lex Luthor and this where the issue shines the most I believe. Williamson being Williamson, of course he had to bring back the full continuity between the two including the time when Lex was part of Geoff Johns' Justice League and sadly, also the time when he went full cosmic-powered in Scott Snyder's Justice League although I like how Williamson seemingly addresses the latter as "a mistake". The dynamic between the two is pretty engaging and creates a good portrayal for Lex overall.

The mystery itself is not that interesting though since I saw the "twist" miles away even without paying attention to the cover, is what happens in these murder mysteries when an old villain is found dead. Then again, what comes later is what makes it interesting since it puts a more supernatural spin to it and hopefully it will properly developed in the future.

Jorge Molina and Mikel Janin share the pencils and their work is pretty consistent over the course of the read with an expressive and beautiful style.

Suprisingly, Karl Kerschl returns to the Gotham Academy universe he helped create by bringing back Maps Mizoguchi and this was quite pleasent to see since I loved both Gotham Academy and especially Maps. Kerschl definitely nails the fun portrayal that so many people fell in love with (including her adventurous side and even time as Robin) in an entertaining plot along with Kerschl's gorgeous artstyle that defined so much the old title. Is great stuff.

Solid issue, hope the next one is just as good.

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