miércoles, 11 de abril de 2018

Some thoughts about Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps #42

The Green Lantern Corps are about to meet their match.

The Controllers have created their own army that could rival their enemies' but things are getting out of their control now and their choices could be the worst for both sides.

This run is coming to an end in a pretty appropriate way.

Robert Venditti opens the final storyline of his Green Lantern run by delivering one of the classic antagonist of the Corps. The Darkstars have a pretty similar premise of the originals from the 90s but now they offer a much more complex premise where they defy the whole idea of the GLC and their sense of morals.

None of this is even more obvious about their first choice. The story begins giving us a pretty interesting conversation between Hal and Tomar-Tu, about the the actions of the latter and how he actually feels about them. This not only delivers a pretty solid character development for Tomar but also escalates the story nicely towards the surprising final pages which makes you realize where the plot is going.

Ethan Van Sciver handles the art and is perfect considering his involvement with this book, his work continues to deliver strong character models and action scenes.

Great read, hope the next one arrives soon.

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