miércoles, 4 de abril de 2018

Some thoughts about Batman #44

Can Batman and Catwoman's relationship work?

Selina can't help but remember her past with Bruce and how that could dictate their future.

Some things worked, others didn't.

Tom King brings an one-and-done story focusing on the relationship he has been building-up for a while. There are some good aspects like the constant references to the multiple encounters between Bruce and Selina including scenes clearly set in the Golden, Silver, Bronze and even Modern Age which of course involve their different and ridiculous costumes. This is something classic of King's work, he has the same mentality of "Everything happened" of Grant Morrison.

Unfortunately, something classic of King's work is also the awkward dialogue that sometimes can ruin an interesting idea and I wish that both Selina and Bruce would learn to talk like humans already. Not to mention that this feels like an overly-short issue.

Mikel Janin and Joelle Jones share art duties and their work is fantastic in their respective scenes, particularly Jones' whose style is incredibly beautiful.

Not bad, appreciate the concept but as usual, the execution fails.

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