What are Highfather's intentions with the Life Equation?
Kyle has been overwhelmed by the power of the White Ring and he thinks that the best decision is to give it to Highfather. However, this might not be such a good idea.
Godhead continues but I wish we would have gotten a bit more from this.
Justin Jordan continues to bring a strong script in terms of dialogue as well as the dynamic between Kyle and Carol. Some of the themes about free-will and the power of Gods are still explored and they remain compelling.
The problem is that while I felt that the story of the crossoved progressed I wish we would have gotten a bit more from the story of these characters in particular. It was kinda light in terms of characterization in comparison to previous issues.
Diogenes Neves replaces Brad Walker in art duties and his style is pretty consistent, it might look a bit unrefined at times but it still looks good at points.
Solid issue still, I hope that the next one improves some aspects though.
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