martes, 12 de abril de 2022

Some thoughts about Naomi Season Two #2

Why is Naomi's father acting so strange?

Naomi has just found out that his father might be hiding secrets from her and that could involve an entire war between two planets that somehow connects to her.

Things going slow as expected, not necessarily bad but slow.

Brian Bendis and David Walker offer a new installment where they focus on character development and dynamics. The latter in fact is heavily emphasized early on in the interactions Naomi has with the Justice League so you can understand the sort of theme the writers are going with this issue. This is nicely handled actually since there are many different conversations Naomi has depending on the member of the cast while discussing her new powers. Mind you, some of the dialogue can still be the typical Bendis-level of cringeness but still, some of them still work pretty well.

The problem here is that this doesn't allow for much plot progression. Yes, yes, Naomi's story development being slow, what a surprise, but I was kinda expecting more revelations sooner considering it took quite a while to get here. However, this doesn't ruin what is an overall enjoyable read.

Jamal Campbell once again elevates this series thanks to his artwork, every frikking character is gorgeous and he keeps a very vibrant look for the book that gives it its own identity.

Fine issue, hope the next one starts moving things forward.

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