martes, 12 de abril de 2022

Some thoughts about Green Lantern #12

Can the power of the Gods be used right?

John has finally ascended and reached the Source. Now is up to him to find out what to do with such abilities but this won't come without a cost.

This seems like an overall fitting conclusion.

Geoffrey Thorne brings closure to the full arc he has been working on since he arrived to this series. While I think the idea of John reaching God-like status dragged for a few issues, the payoff seems satisfying, particularly because of his conversations with a representation of the Source who is also appropriately depicted as Jack Kirby due that he was the one who created the whole New Gods mythology (I also loved how Kirby mentions that "Eveyrone knows him"). The character work that follows brings a lot of reference to the past and showcases why John is such a strong person in most continuities.

Speaking of references, I dug how the writer follows continuity properly like mentioning how Hal made his own Power Ring at the time while also resetting the whole Corps and creating a brand new status quo for the franchise. Hopefully there will be more on that soon.

Tom Raney and Marco Santucci remain in art duties and their work is pretty solid with expressive characters and precise storytelling.

Solid finale. Can't wait to see what this "John Stewart and the Emerald Knights" is all about.

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