martes, 1 de marzo de 2022

Some thoughts about One-Star Squadron #4

How will Red Tornado deal with the fate of his people?

Reddy has been assigned to fire a lot of his team and now he will have to decide if his role at the company is more important than his friends.

This seems like a sort of interlude chapter but not without the classic themes you can expect.

Mark Russell offers a new installment where he explores the ramifications of Red Tornado having the responsibility of letting go half of his employees. This of course leads the classic humourous scenes that you can expect from the writer, particularly from the lesser-known heroes who are doing their best to try to keep their job and the comically inhuman corporation that doesn't care at all about what happens to Heroz4U so long as they get a profit. Is the kind of satire that I can get behind.

However, this is apparently mostly preparing us for what's coming next. Take for example Power Girl who is suddenly fired despite of basically betraying her own friends to rise at the company, the ramifications of this are seemingly seen at the end of this chapter but will only play an important factor next issue. Speaking of which, I guess PeeGee's characterization is a bit off considering she has always been pretty caring for other people (Hell, she had her own company where she was actually friends with the persons working for her) but to be fair, she's not particularly unlikable here and I'm willing to see what Russell plans to do with her.

Steve Lieber remains in art duties and his work is still solid thanks to his clean style and expressive characters that perfectly depict the comedic tone.

Good read, hope the next one offers more though.

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