martes, 22 de marzo de 2022

Some thoughts about The Human Target #6

How will this relationship develop?

Christopher and Tora's encounters make them grow even closer, something that completely disgusts Guy Gardner and he's ready to make them know that.

BWAHAHAHA! If you thought that Tom King portrayed Guy badly last time you haven't seen anything yet!

This issue is completely dedicated to the protagonist, Ice and... Guy. The build-up to the terrible parts are nicely done oddly-enough with Christopher and Tora showcasing a believable dynamic that makes their recent romance engaging which is something that I can appreciate from King's work most of the time, he knows how to portray couples (Unless we're talking about the whole "Bat/Cat" thing). So, what's the terrible parts I'm talking about?

Guy tries to hit Ice.

Yeah, if that isn't enough to want to tear the issue apart (Hopefully you're not reading digitally), Guy also starts spewing every stereotypical abusive boyfriend line in existence while doing so which makes things even worse if you can believe it. I know that King just forces characters into his themes no matter if they fit or not but this feels especially bad considering, again, that Guy has an history of abuse due to his father but besides that, this doesn't offer any compelling angle about the character whatsoever. 

Oh yeah, and both Christopher and Tora kill Guy because if King assassinated the character already he might as well finish the job.

The plot? Very little progression here because King needed to make a point here, whatever awful point it was.

Greg Smallwood's artwork continues to be amazing despite of what he has to draw. Beautiful character models and creative storytelling style.

Aside from that, this is just a waste. Hate this Guy Gardner and I'm not really fond of what King did with Martian Manhunter either, I wonder what other JLI is he planning to destroy next?

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