martes, 9 de marzo de 2021

Some thoughts about Rorschach #6

What is the connection between Laura and Wil Myerson?

The investigation has uncovered a bunch of strange letters about two individuals that shared a lot to one another and that includes Rorschach.

Some things are getting clearer at the very least.

Tom King uses this chapter to create a new method of storytelling for this book where basically every page serves as a letter between Laura and Myerson, the latter being the cartoonist from issue 2. This presents an interesting flow for the read in which each page tells a different background for each of the characters and lets us know more about their lives and how they affected who they currently are. It certainly makes the characters of Laura and Wil more complex than before.

Mind you, this doesn't necessarily mean that we're getting closer to any proper answer about the main plot because that's how King works, especially considering that there are still 6 issues left and you all know that the writer likes to drag a main plot as long as possible. Still, I can't complaint about the character work and the references to both Steve Ditko and the original Watchmen.

Jorge Fornes remains a great storyteller that depicts each scene perfectly with tons of detail.

Decent issue, let's see if the next one offers more progression.

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