domingo, 28 de marzo de 2021

Some thoughts about Action Comics #1029

Is this really the end of Superman?

Jon has seen the future and he knows his father is destined to fall soon but he's not sure how soon it is and the being responsible might be closer than they think.

The new direction of Superman starring Jon Kent continues and so far, it continues to be solid.

Phillip Kennedy Johnson offers a new installment where he follows-up the premise of the inevitable death of Superman. The issue is very character-oriented where the fears of Jon concerning his dad's fate are put up-front, this nicely reflected on their conversations and relationship and I believe the writer got both characters pretty on-point in that regard.

Most importantly though, it has a central theme about how parents are bound to die eventually and one shouldn't be that afraid about it despite of how worrying it could be. This is something unfortunately very real and, speaking as somebody who is going for a similar situation, this idea really resonated with me.

Phil Hester's artwork remains really strong in terms of expressions with a rough style that style depicts the story nicely.

There's a second feature about Midnighter written once again by Becky Cloonan and Michael Conrad following up the story they set-up during Future State and is yet another character-centric segment which are mostly focused on the thoughts of the protagonist and how his last enemy plays with them. Is decent enough so far. Michael Avon Oeming's pencils are always full of detail and emotion.

Good read, hope the next one follows suit.

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