miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2015

Some thoughts about Deathstroke #13

Deathstroke needs to find his children no matter what.

Slade thinks that the monster who is attacking the Suicide Squad has something to do with Rose and Jericho's disappearance and he's willing to learn everything he knows.

No surprises here.

Tony Daniel continues his kinda/sorta team-up between Deathstroke and the Suicide Squad but does it in a way that ends-up being pretty anticlimactic. Let's just say that the way how the battle is handled is not only not interesting at all but at times it feels forced. Slade has to fight this creature but only because Harley lied to him about Rose's fate and once that she reveals the truth things ends quite quickly, is simply a pretty unsatisfying manner to conclude it.

Not to mention that the characterization can be suspect. I still don't think that Harley here is in character and the presence of Catwoman is both unexplicable and useless considering that she didn't contribute anything to the story. The villain is also not compelling at all, is just a thug who turned into a monster.

Paolo Pantalena is handling the artwork and he does a pretty solid job at emulating the tone of the book with expressive characters and good action scenes.

Pretty mediocre overall but what else would you expect?

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