martes, 14 de diciembre de 2021

Some thoughts about Robin & Batman #2

Is Robin ready for the big leagues?

Dick is having trouble in school and Bruce believes is better to start getting interactions with other kids his age but as usual, this is part of a much bigger plan.

Man, this book keeps delivering.

Jeff Lemire offers a new installment where he further explores Robin's world. Right from the beginning when Dick starts getting bullied and defending himself while the Principal mentions that Bruce might be an abusive parent, you see how Lemire is visiting a concept that, while is always there, it rarely gets developed too much.

The best part is when Robin starts interacting with the other famous sidekicks and they're all done in pretty on-point ways. Roy Harper being presented as a jerk who is overcompensating for something seems really appropriate (and as fan of Lemire's Green Arrow, it was cool to see more of its world), Wally West having low confidence is also perfect because this is young Wally we're talking about who did have a history of constantly having doubts about himself, Garth being basically loner is an interesting idea too and finally Donna practically being a mini-Diana is a fitting portrayal as well.

Everything pays-off at the end though since Bruce knows that they all have gone into their own mission and this was all part of a much bigger one, one that shows that Bruce might in fact be an abusive parent much to Alfred's dislike.

Dustin Nguyen's artwork is both dark and vibrant when it needs to, it's great to see how its tone fluctuates between the more serious tone from the Batman sections while the Teen Titans get the more lighthearted presentation.

Great read, the next one can't come soon enough.

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