martes, 7 de diciembre de 2021

Some thoughts about Green Lantern #9

Can John Stewart handle the power of the Gods?

John has been fighting all his life against injustice and now has even bigger reasons to do so once the entire universe is facing deities. Meanwhile, the rest of the Corps is trying to survive but their time might be over.

Always expect solid material from this run.

Geoffrey Thorne offers a new installment where he continues to progress the multiple plot-points he handles. Once again, the main feature focuses on John and the new power he has to take care of and while there's not a lot of development about the power itself, the character work that results from it is pretty appropriate due that we see a little flashback that shows us more of John's personality and how that connects it to their current predicament. Is pretty satisfyinf development.

The second feature about the rest of the Corps continues to escalate adequately which each moment getting more and more desperate, especially considering how there are no members left anymore and their problems are just beginning. The amount of content each of these issues bring is really appreciated after so much decompressed books lately.

Marco Santucci, Tom Raney and Maria Laura Sanapo handle the art and their work is pretty expressive where it needs to be while the storytelling is clear.

Good read, hope the next one brings more development.

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