martes, 23 de noviembre de 2021

Some thoughts about Robin #8

What is Connor Hawke's true mission?

Damian and Connor's final fight has begun and both are willing to do their best to take their opponent down but whoever wins will have to face a much bigger challenge.

Joshua Williamson is on a roll this week.

While this chapter is very action-centric, it still offers very important character and plot developments. Most of the issue is devoted to the fight between Damian and Conner which is appropriate considering the build-up of all the previous installments and the battle has great pacing and showcases entertaining moments.

More important though are the consequences of such fight with Damian finally revvealing he's risking his life because he still feel guilty about Alfred's death so Lazarus Island is like some sort of purgatory for him which is pretty appropriate and probably the biggest development we have gotten for him since that event. The plot also creates good revelations like the reason why Connor decided to participate in this tournament and makes me wonder what's going to happen next.

Gleb Melnikov returns to pencils and his work is still amazing thanks to his kinetic style that delivers many exciting action sequences with a lot of detail.

Fun issue, hope the next one arrives soon.

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