martes, 16 de noviembre de 2021

Some thoughts about Blue & Gold #4

Who defeated Blackguard?

Booster and Beetle are on live TV revealing one of their biggest missions and hoping that will get enough promotion for their business but even then they can't agree on who was the hero here.

Fairly decent read once again.

Dan Jurgens offers yet another character-centric issue that allows for a few fun moments. The story here is centered around an interview to Ted and Michael which leads to a sequence of flashbacks in which each hero tells their own take on what actually happened, creating one of their classic disagreements. Once again, the dynamic between these two is the highlight of the book, Jurgens definitely understands their past and their friendship, creating fun interactions in which even their discussions end in a positive note.

Mind you, this comes a bit of the cost of proper plot progression due that there's very little of it. Jurgens is no Tom Taylor nor Brian Bendis though since this is hardly decompressed, there's actual content here but is completely devoted to character work and enjoyable conversations.

Probably one of the best parts though, is the art. Ryan Sook remains on the present segments and his work is still beautiful in every possible way but what shines the most is how Kevin Maguire handles Ted's flashbacks which brings good memories of his expressive work in Justice League International while Jurgens himself handles the sections told from Michael's perspective which again, is perfect.

Nice issue, hope the next one moves the story forward though.

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