viernes, 19 de junio de 2020

Some thoughts about Metal Men #7

Will Magnus needs a new team.

The Metal Men have left his creator after his lies and now he will have no choice but replace them, this might be harder than he expected though.

Eh, this feels like a filler issue.

Dan Didio brings a new chapter where he explores the ramifications of the Metal Men leaving Magnus but is not as interesting as you might think. There are some glances at decent character development because of how both the Metal Men and Magnus handle their new status quo with each other but they don't go far enough due that the issue is mostly dedicated to the appearance of the new characters.

Yes, the "Metal Mammals" take the spotlight for the most part and the issue is mostly centered around the action they provide which is kinda boring to be honest. Sure, this is obviously to make the point about how the Metal Men are the better creations but still I don't think we needed to spend a full issue exploring that. Worst of all is that Chemo still hasn't done anything since he awaken at the end of last issue, he just appeared during the last pages of this one basically doing the same thing.

Shane Davis handles the art and is still decent with clear expressions and storytelling.

Kinda dull. I seriously hope the next one is better.

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