miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015

Some thoughts about The Flash #40

A Flash's life is about to end.

Barry is still trapped in the Speed Force while his future-self has finally realized the mistakes he made. Now both will have to work together if they want to defeat their common enemy and even then, things are just about to get worse.

The conclusion of The Future Flash storyarc is finally here and it's good to know that we're going to see other kind of tales.

The dynamic between Barry and Future Barry is well-depicted. It was pretty cool to see The Future Flash realizing the error in his ways already and accepting his role thanks to Patty which actually seems like a logical course of action.

There are a lot of plot-points being hinted here including the relationship between Barry and Patty and the arrival of one of the most dangerous enemies that Barry has ever faced.

The final page was really nice in that regard.

Brett Booth continues on art duties and his work remains vibrant and powerful as ever. It was especially good to see the energy that both Flashes emitted.

Solid issue, hopefully the following stories will deliver.

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