miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014

Some thoughts about Nightwing #29

Life has not been easy for Nightwing lately and it's going to get even worse.

Dick Grayson is reminiscing his past including the most recent events that have been derailing while trying to save Jen from Zsasz. He will have to realize that despite all the misteps he had, he never stopped doing what he does best, helping people.

Speaking as someone who wasn't particularly impressed by Kyle Higgins overall run in Nightwing, I must say that I found this issue highly enjoyable.

Despite that I thought that the early stories were quite uninspired and didn't show anything exciting nor innovative about Dick Grayson, here Higgins concentrates on the most important aspects that make Nightwing the character he is, it was a pretty on-point portrayal and helped with really good lines of dialogue.

Based on the strenght of this issue, I'm starting to think that the flaws of this series might not have been Higgins' fault as much as DC editorial's who constantly needed to give a new direction for the title and didn't have a concrete plan. I wish we would have seen a series guided completely by the author.

Russell Dauterman delivers the best artwork that this series ever had with a really crisp and clean style that it's also quite expressive and helps to tell the story perfectly.

This was a good conclusion for a title that never got to fly higher.

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