martes, 18 de octubre de 2022

Some thoughts about World's Finest #8

Can the World's Finest train a new sidekick?

David arrived to Earth and doesn't even know how to start a new life but both Superman and Batman believe he can help them protect this world. However, they don't know what really happened to David's world.

Despite of how a kinda mid last chapter, I do like where this arc is going.

Mark Waid offers a new installment where he explores the premise of a new alien boy on Earth. As I've said before, is an EXTREMELY cliche idea that has been done to death at this point (Hell, pretty sure Action Comics did it just last year), that being said, Waid brings a few interesting twists to it like exploring a bit of David's past and leaving a few parts of it a mystery (although is pretty clear by this point what happened) while also showing his training as a superhero.

Oh, and the best part from this is the training since this involves the Silver Age Teen Titans and the writer creates a pretty solid dynamic between all of them (especially because this time he doesn't make Dick act like, well, a dick and instead gives that role to Roy Harper which is more fitting). The segments where David helps both Bruce and Clark can be genuinely charming despite that what's coming next is most likely going to be anything but.

Dan Mora remains in art duties and his work is a joy to watch since he makes every character gorgeous, expressive and the storytelling is always on-point.

Good read, let's see how things go on.

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