martes, 11 de octubre de 2022

Some thoughts about Batman Vs. Robin #2

Whatever happened to Damian Wayne?

Bruce is trying to figure out what is controlling his son to attack him and by doing so he will learn that the whole world is magic is being manipulated by an old enemy.

Worked a bit better than the last issue I believe but not without its own sort of problems.

Mark Waid delivers a new installment where he explores more about what's happening to the supernatural side of the DCU. Something I do like about this series so far is that Waid has been setting-up the demon Nezha as a very powerful entity right from the beginning of his World's Finest series while this title is expanding on that premise and the upcoming event that Waid is preparing is clearly developing on such idea (although I don't have much faith on the event itself because Waid doesn't have a good track record with them), I always enjoy a well-planned plot. The worldbuilding is also decently done since Waid introduces a lot of classic magic-oriented characters along with a few new ones which makes this story seem big in terms of scale.

That being said, something makes me scratch my head. There's a part where Waid clearly references the last fight that happened during Joshua Williamson's Robin run so it seems like Waid was aware about what happened during that time so the decision of regressing both Damian and Bruce's character is much more baffling. Is clear now that Waid simply did this for them to fit into his direction and I don't really think that was the right decision (and based on future plans for Damian, I think this is still wrong but hey, the Batman 666 costume is neat I guess).

Mahmud Asrar's artwork remains great with very beautiful characters and precise storytelling.

Decent read, still not sure how things will continue though.

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