martes, 24 de agosto de 2021

Some thoughts about Superman: Son of Kal-El #2

Can Jon Kent do more than Superman?

Jon is trying to create a new identity to work better as a hero but he will soon realize that there are other ways to do so, and he will soon realize that the world needs much more help than he imagined.

Yeah, just like with most stuff lately, I missed the first entry of a new series but is not like I was particularly anticipating this one since I'm not the biggest fan of Tom Taylor's work, his books are usually very hit and miss for me, every once in a while you will get something good like Nightwing but other times you might obtain something like his misguided Suicide Squad.

That being said, I went back to the first issue of this title and I found it pretty decent. I mean, Taylor goes way too hard on the whole "Jon might be better than Clark" and is really the worst thing you can do to justify the role of a new protagonist/book (reminds me what happened to Supergirl in the early 2000s) but is well-written, has entertaining moments and serves as an appropriate set-up for the events that happen in this same chapter.

Things actually start moving here with Jon adopting a new identity and I really dig how Taylor played with expectations here which is something that I can appreciate from him and actually works well in this setting. The rest of the plot is all about Jon trying to help people around the world and some of it might be by the numbers, other times Taylor might go with his classic "political" commentary that doesn't really says a lot but for the most is inoffensive and can be even endearing at times.

The biggest change will happen during the next entry where Jon will have to face one of the biggest criminal masterminds of the Multiverse and I was suprised to actually see him here since I thought he would get a bigger focus from Warren Ellis.

John Timms handles the art and yeah, he seems like an appropriate choice due that his flexible and energetic art represents Jon's nature nicely.

Fine read overall, let's see if things get better.

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