martes, 20 de julio de 2021

Some thoughts about Blue and Gold #1

Can Booster Gold and Blue Beetle join the Justice League once again?

Michael is trying his best to gain the attention of the greatest superhero team and to do so he will need the help of his best friend but even then, they might only want one of them.

It's about damn time indeed.

Speaking as someone who truly started to get into comics during the early 2000s, I skipped the golden era for this particular dynamic duo. I mean, I was basically introduced to the character of Ted Kord right at the time when he died as a prologue to the event Infinite Crisis. Later I started to fall in love with him and his best friend thanks to the Booster Gold ongoing series where their relationship was vastly explored. 

Now we're in the best time possible due that thanks to reboots and retcons, Ted is back to life and Booster has memories back as well, not to mention that this is handled by none other than Booster's creator Dan Jurgens who seems to have the right idea to where he wants to take these characters.

First of all, the tone of the book is simply fun. Michael being a superhero obsessed to how he looks in social media is perfectly in line to how he was introduced by Jurgens himself in the 80s as a money and fame obsessed hero and the reactions of the people watching his adventures seem accurate to how DC fans often react.

Ted also gets a nice portrayal as someone who is much more mature than Booster (as he should be), someone who thinks about the ramifications of his actions and Jurgens follows continuity as his favor in this case. This is particularly well-reflected during the last few pages where the Justice League gets to choose who is going to join their ranks and the response is quite on-point based on the personalities of the protagonists.

Because above all of that, Jurgens gets these characters. They're portrayed as old friends who have a lot fun hanging out (as Skeets says, they're basically teenagers when they're together), their conversations are very entertaining and they really care for each other. The plot might be a bit lacking but the characterization is so strong that I can get over it.

Ryan Sook provides the artwork is really appealing with a vibrant look, precise storytelling and detailed characters.

Solid beginning, can't wait for the next one.

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