martes, 6 de julio de 2021

Some thoughts about Justice League #64

The Justice League has a moment of peace.

The new team is enjoying their time after nearly dying in another planet but this will last very little once that a new group are coming for them.

How? HOW did Brian Bendis manage to deliver even less content than the last issue?!

Seriously, last issue was only a retelling of the battle that supposedly happened and somehow this issue is an bigger waste of time with most of the issue being dedicated to the team apparently relaxing and having a good time but it mostly manages to deliver cringey moments and lines ("Miyagi Fishman Judo is a better name than Aquaman". Yeah, no it isn't under any circunstance).

Also, speaking as this weirdly obsessed Green Arrow fan that I am, I just don't care about Bendis' Ollie, particularly how he is relegated to being "Black Canary's boyfriend" which is sadly a common characterization this day. Yes, Bendis tries to expand this with Ollie's role in Checkmate but is not like he has a role in that book anyway.

There's some progress in the plot with Bendis introducing his OC rival team but they're barely present here and they're introduced rather poorly.

Steve Pugh's artwork is fantastic though with a lot of detail in characters and storytelling.

Ram V's Justice League Dark second feature is still the highlight with the surprising involvement of Batman in the plot and really entertaining interactions into the mix. The plot progression is also much better than the main feature. Sumit Kumar's pencils are pretty detailed and deliver the dark tone of the story perfectly.

Again, just read this because of Ram V. Nothing else.

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