martes, 6 de julio de 2021

Some thoughts about Green Lantern #4

Whatever is happening to the Green Lantern Corps?

Several members of the Corps are either missing or dead and John Stewart is still trying to do his best to survive and save another planet.

Progressing adequately despite of some of the usual issues.

Geoffrey Thorne continues his story and I really admire the amount of content he injects into each of these chapters. The sequence of John trying to save an alien race is solidly-done while being perfectly in-character and moving the plot appropriately while the segments of Jo Mullein and Teen Lantern bring interesting moments and a good sense of desperation because of the fall of the Corps.

Unfortunately, the dialogue leaves me a bit cold. There is not as much annoying Spanglish as in previous issues (since Teen Lantern is mostly speaking in her mother language) but still, the lines of the characters are not particularly entertaining nor engaging, they're not bad mind you, but I wish the interactions and narration were more witty.

Tom Raney and Marco Santucci do a fine job during their respective sections despite that their styles are pretty different from each other.

Decent overall, let's see where the plot goes.

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