Can Snagglepuss recover from tragedy?
One of Snagglepuss' closest friends has just died and now he will be forced to face people who only want to control his life.
This story continues to make all the right moves.
Mark Russell delivers yet another strong chapter where he continues to explore the political and human themes he loves so much. There is a bit of a contradiction here since people who are fan Russell's work realize how political it can be while Snagglepuss in the story prefers not to go overly political but it all makes sense considering the era he lives in and the circunstances the Government keeps pushing.
This also contrasts powerfully with his secret lifestyle which is particularly clear during the death of one of the supporting characters which is reflected in very emotional moments where the rest of the cast reacts to the sad news. The case of sexuality during such complicated times is brought up constantly and it always feels real.
Mike Feehan's artwork remains perfect for this book thanks to the expressive characters that are required for the most heartbreaking segments.
The Sasquatch Detective segment by Brandee Stillwell also continues and it works a little better than previous installments due to scenes that manage to be actually funny, the reference about Catwoman's wedding was nice too. Gus Vasquez' artwork is still quite unique in its cartoony style.
Solid read overall, this book simply can't disappoint.
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