martes, 21 de marzo de 2023

Some thoughts about World's Finest #13

Who is the culprit?

Simon Stagg has been murdered and everything seems linked to Metamorpho. However, Batman and Superman believe there must be something else going on and the answer might be a surprise to everyone.

A new arc begins and once again, seems pretty interesting so far.

Mark Waid brings a new chapter where he brings a whole new cast to the book. The inclusion of Metamorpho and his own supporting characters into the story makes sense considering his connection to Batman and the Outsiders but at the same time, it also plays with the whole Silver Age team-up angle that Waid has been implementing since the beginning and as usual, the writer brings a more modern take to such classic type of stories by even adding some layers to Metamorpho's origin.

The plot also incorporates a mystery concerning Metamorpho's classic antagonist and keeps escalating towards a pretty intriguing cliffhanger and while the outcome seems like a typical fake out, it still makes you wonder what's actually happening and I'm pretty sure the Stagg himself is involved in some way.

Dan Mora remains in art duties and his work is still amazing with the beautiful style that makes pretty much everything pleasent to look at and follows the script perfectly.

Good read, hope the rest of the arc continues this way.

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