martes, 20 de septiembre de 2022

Some thoughts about World's Finest #7

Where does this alien boy come from?

A strange spaceship has arrived to Earth in a way that brings Clark a lot of memories and now they will have to find the kid they found a new home.

Some good stuff to appreciate... and other awkward and predictable things to rant about.

Mark Waid offers a new installment (and arc I believe? I've been missing a few issues I guess) in which he explores the rather familiar idea of an alien kid arrives to Earth and Clark feeling connected to him/her. A bit too familiar in fact since this idea has been explored countless of times to the point that there's nothing really new to tell about it (and once again, makes me suspect that Waid doesn't follow stories that are not his own) but on the other hand, Waid at least makes some emotional moments coming from such idea although there's nothing really creative about the premise itself being delivered in the issue.

On the other hand, there are some things that made me cringe like Robin telling a Kandorian girl that "everything is bigger on Earth" which shows once again how bad can be at writing both flirting and kids/teens but what's even worse is that is confirmed that this is Dick Grayson of all people and it just doesn't sound like something Dick would say (unless this is another attempt of a joke for his name which is even more lazy). At least we know this is suited very early in the continuity.

But man, Dan Mora's artwork is still beautiful thanks to the amazing looking characters and perfect storytelling. I love the page where he depicts the Teen Titans.

Mixed bag, this and Batman Vs. Robin makes me a bit doubtful about Waid's writing.

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