martes, 17 de mayo de 2022

Some thoughts about World's Finest #3

Can the greatest heroes fight a demon from hell?

Nezha has unleashed his attack against Batman and Superman and not even their own allies are on their side, now even their closest ones might be against them.

Another successful chapter considering what this book is trying to hard to be.

Mark Waid continues his Silver Age-like story while developing a few concepts from that era in an interesting manner. Once again, Waid knows how to create an entertaining comic book story that evokes "classic" feel which you can clearly see thanks to stuff like time travel and cameos from other characters but also takes some of those themes further like how an immortal villain suffers from senility. That and the constant flow of new ideas along with intense action scenes make for a pretty satisfying read.

On the other hand, the continuity here is still confusing. The appearance of Hal Jordan on his very first costume makes you believe this is suited around a modern Silver Age but on the other hand, Robin has a rather modern look that is very different from his original. Waid is probably taking a "Hypertime" take on this series (Since he was one of the original creators of such concept after all) but things are still not clear enough.

Dan Mora guarantees that everything looks gorgeous thanks to his vibrant style that depicts expressions perfectly, the storytelling is on-point too.

Good read, can't wait for the next one.

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