martes, 10 de mayo de 2022

Some thoughts about Naomi: Season Two #3

Can Naomi get back to normal?

One of Naomi's closest friends is going to another planet for her own sake while in the meantime her relationship with their parents is only getting worse and worse.

Usual strengths and usual issues.

Brian Bendis and David Walker bring another chapter where everything is starting to get pretty predictable because as you can already figure out, there's a big focus on character work with very, very little plot progression. Hell, if anything, there are parts about the issue that seem completely dedicated to distract the characters from making any advance in the story like going into another planet only to not find what they were looking for. This is typical Bendis decompression so is not much of a surprise but at some point it seems even insulting.

The character development however, is fine. I like how Naomi is bonding with Cyborg and how her relationship with her adoptive family is getting stronger which is depicted in a rather realistic way considering her unique problems. On the other hand, I dislike when Bendis tries to portray a "realistic" conversation because I swear to God there's an overuse of the word "like, like, like" to try to depict an awkward interaction and is more awkward than it should.

Jamal Campbell's artwork is still amazing though, his vibrant style and expressive characters just guide the script to huge levels.

Passable I guess but stuff needs to start happen.

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