miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015

Some thoughts about Superman #46

One of Superman's closest friends is in danger.

Clark has been depending on Jimmy since his identity was revealed and now he will need his help once again if he wants find the person who has been threatening him recently. However, that could be his downfall.

Some things worked, others didn't.

Gene Luen Yang brings a new chapter of his story where he continues to put Clark against a bunch of random supervillains for barely explained reasons.

Mind you, I think some of the characters and concepts presented here are interesting and he even manages to include a classic foe like Sand Superman into the mix but the presentation of all of these is poorly done, the pacing is pretty problematic and doesn't allow for the story to flow naturally.

Also, I don't buy what happened at the end at all.

Howard Porter is in pencils and he's easily the best part of the issue and actually delivers one of the best efforts in art that I've seen in this title. Everything looks quite complex with a pretty bombastic style.

Still, this is too flawed to recommend despite of things I liked. Pass.

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