martes, 21 de marzo de 2023

Some thoughts about World's Finest #13

Who is the culprit?

Simon Stagg has been murdered and everything seems linked to Metamorpho. However, Batman and Superman believe there must be something else going on and the answer might be a surprise to everyone.

Some thoughts about Superman #2

Superman's enemies are evolving.

The Parasite is suddenly multiplicating and Clark doesn't know what's causing this but the worst thing is going to happen next once that the threat starts spreading like a virus.

Some thoughts about Stargirl: The Lost Children #5

What does Hourman want?

Stargirl is trying to make all the forgotten sidekicks work together to escape the island but there's a much bigger threat than the person that captured them.

martes, 14 de marzo de 2023

Some thoughts about Justice Society of America #3

What are Per Degaton's plans?

Huntress has arrived to warn the JSA of what is killing different versions of them but she might be too late since apparently nothing can't stop their enemy.

martes, 7 de marzo de 2023

Some thoughts about Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #1

Can a Superman defeat his biggest fear?

Jon Kent is happier than ever now that his father has returned but he's not the only Supermen who will come back and that will also bring the return of the man who tortured him during his childhood.