domingo, 10 de julio de 2022

Some thoughts about Dark Crisis #2

The Titans are bound to fall once again.

Deathstroke has arrived to Titans Tower to destroy everything there and not even Nightwing is enough to stop him, all the heroes in the universe will need to gather if they want to face this threat.

Chapter 1 didn't really impress me and while chapter 2 is not exactly great either, I think it gets the job done in certain aspects.

Joshua Williamson continues his biggest crossover event yet and it showcases some of the most important aspects of his writing. Once again, you can get a lot of important character moments, particularly the ones focusing on Nightwing who is perfectly portrayed by Williamson by referencing a lot of his history with Deathstroke, the Titans and the rest of the DCU as a whole, I also really enjoy the little details about how Dick realizes that Slade is acting pretty off. Of course there are other references to continuity like the Cyborg Superman commenting on how he replaced Superman for a while once which also connects nicely to the development Jon Kent currently has. From a character standpoint there are no complaints at all.

However, I think the problem here is the execution of the action scenes. Unlike Geoff Johns, big moments have never really been Williamson's strength and this is really important for a big event which is a shame since I believe Williamson nails everything surrounding continuity (which is also very relevant for this kind of story) but due to the lack of truly impactful scenes you feel like this crossover is a little bland in that regard. Plus, there's very little plot progression overall.

If there's something I can appreciate about this book though, is that Williamson seems to share everyone's hate for Tim Sheridan Teen Titans Academy since everything about it seems immediately destroyed and the characters who survive just quit. This feels rewarding for me.

Daniel Sampere's artwork is pretty solid with expressive characters and a polished style.

Fine read but this needs to get better than just "fine".

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