miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2022

Some thoughts about Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #7

Who can save the universe?

The Great Darkness has taken over Slade and he's willing to put an end to everything, the only person able to stop him is Dick Grayson and he will have to find a way to help everyone in existence.

martes, 20 de diciembre de 2022

Some thoughts about Batman Vs. Robin #4

What is stronger than Nezha?

Batman's final battle with his son is about to start and the demon's manipulations are getting clearer. Unfortunately even if they manage to defeat their enemies there a much bigger threats ahead.

Some thoughts about World's Finest #10

What is David's future?

The Joker has kidnapped Superman's new sidekick and is decided to torture him like he's used to but this could cost him a lot.

Some thoughts about Stargirl: The Lost Children #2

How can they figure out the disappearance of the original sidekicks?

Stargirl and Emiko have been looking for clues in the old Arrow Cave and that will lead them to a mysterious island which connects to children that have been gone for decades.