miércoles, 27 de julio de 2016

Some thoughts about The Flash #3

The Flash will have to deal with more problems than ever before.

A new group of Speedsters have been born around Central City and all of them are going to use their powers in any way they want unless Barry stops them.

Well, the story progresses satisfactorily indeed.

Joshua Williamson brings a new chapter where he explores the ramifications of the last one with new Speedsters suddenly being created. The direction is pretty logical due that author implements classic themes from the character like S.T.A.R. Labs that are incorporated into the plot in a way that makes sense and promises a lot of new developments for The Flash's world. Barry teaching a new generation of Speed Force users is an idea with lots of potential.

New characters are also being introduced that will most likely play an important role in the future and each one of them show an interesting personality. The main antagonist is also being introduced and hopefully we will know more about him soon.

Carmine Di Giandomenico returns to art duties and his work is still quite good with a pretty vibrant style that is perfect for speed scenes.

Pretty solid, it better continue this way.

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