sábado, 6 de junio de 2015

Some thoughts about Bizarro #1

Are you prepared to go in a reverse travel?

Bizarro and Jimmy Olsen have embarked into an adventure that will take them to several extraordinary places like motels and car sales. However, not everything is what it looks like and their lives might actually be in peril.

Yeah, I'm not doing any Bizarro jokes here, they're too abundant.

This is the second lighthearted story that you will find in DC this week and this time is focused on a classic Superman character that many people are fond of. So, does this issue delivers at what it offers?

For the most part I would say so but I still can't help but having some complaints.

The protagonists are likable, writer Heath Corson manages to get the best from their dynamic by developing a charming relationship between them. There are also several other characters appearing here that have some interesting personalities and they certainly fit into the humourous tone of the book.

But then comes the first complaint: The humour is well-done  but it's heavily focused on the reverse language that you would expect from the main character and it ultimately can become a bit repetitive. Another thing that I could notice is that the story doesn't have a really good pacing, many of the scenes don't follow an appropriate path despite that I know that the book is basically a cartoon in comic form.

Plus, the ending of this issue is not that interesting to make you invested into the following one.

In terms of the artwork, this chapter completely succeeds though. Gustavo Duarte delivers the most impressive aspect from this book by bringing a quite unique and comedic cartoony style that is perfect for the kind of story that is trying to sell.

Overall, this is a solid beginning despite of some nitpicks so if you enjoy humour you will most likely enjoy this.

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