martes, 27 de febrero de 2024

Some thoughts about Green Arrow #9

Can Green Arrow face The Wall?

Oliver has learned that Roy is working for the Suicide Squad now and he's ready to make Amanda Waller respond for it but she has other plans for him.

Well, a lot happened here.

Joshua Williamson opens a new issue and arc by presenting quite a few interesting plot-points. The idea of Roy working for Waller is finally paying off with Ollie interfering at last and that brings interesting exploration of continuity due that it seems like the writer is referencing a history between Ollie and Amanda which is weird since I don't remember them interacting much in the past unless he's actually connecting the Arrow show into this. However, this creates an interesting premise for both characters to work together for a common goal while at the same time planting the seeds for a seeming future big story. Speaking personally, I like how they are linking both characters due to Waller's hate for Metahumans and Ollie basically representing a common man becoming a hero (and even better is that Williamson referenced the abrupt and stupid out of character moments of Waller during the previous Suicide Squad book).

There are also quite a few compelling moments like the return of a forgotten character and even more intriguing is the return of the most hated ideas in recent memory and I believe that Williamson might have a few retcons in mind for it.

Sean Izaakse handles the art and is very expressive while following the story very clearly.

Good read, hope the following issues continue this development.

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