martes, 21 de noviembre de 2023

Some thoughts about World's Finest #21

How can Batman and Superman survive this new world?

David has shown how corrupted he has become to both Clark and Bruce and is willing to manipulate the new allies he made in this different Earth to hide it.

The return to the Kingdom Come universe continues and is pretty intriguing so far.

Mark Waid uses this chapter to explore ideas from one of his most famous works. The writer has done solid job at building-up to the man who would eventually became Magog (the character who unleashed all the events in Kingdom Come) from Boy Thunder to Thunderman while also planting the question of why he became evil all of sudden. More interesting though, is that Waid reintroduces Gog of all characters, but is not the same Gog Waid himself created during his Kingdom Come sequel, The Kingdom (who was basically a copy of Magog with a different motivation), but instead is the one that Geoff Johns created during his Justice Society of America work who has the power of a deity, I like how Waid is implementing concepts that overall were better than the ones he invented.

If there's a complaint here is that I feel like the fights between the Supermen and Batmen feels a little forced. Sure, David is lying to make the people he met fight but still, a lot of this seems like filler and is not particularly interesting aside from a few solid character moments (and I feel like the main Superman acts a little too angry at realizing that his other self from this Earth is not as competent as he should be).

Dan Mora remains in art duties and his work is still kinetic and powerful, depicting every scene with a lot of detail.

Good read overall but I hope the next one offers more content.

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