miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2015

Some thoughts about Red Hood/Arsenal #4

Red Hood and Arsenal returned to Gotham City at the worst time possible.

Jason is still getting accustomed to the idea of Bruce being dead and things are even worse considering that there's a new Batman. However, there's a mission they have to achieve and that's destroying the origin of sin.

Not gonna lie, this chapter was pretty entertaining.

Scott Lobdell brings a new chapter where he continues to focus on the relationship between Jason and Roy and how this continues to develope. It's good to know that the author actually references all the times that Bruce has apparently been dead in the past so this doesn't really worry Jason that much.

There is also a segment featuring the Joker and Lobdell fortunatelly manages to depict him nicely and creates an interesting reason for the protagonists to be in Gotham.

Denis Meori is still in charge of the pencils and his work continues to improve and he actually showcases some pretty good looking layouts and characters.

Enjoyable issue, hope the rest of the series continues this way.

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