miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

Some thoughts about Convergence: New Teen Titans #2

The New Teen Titans will have to resolve their problems before the end.

The team not only has to worry about the fights they will have to endure against people from other dimensions but also the fights that have been happening between them.

Well, this series has certainly delivered the goods.

Marv Wolfman brings the final chapter on this classic team and he certainly continues to understand every single character from it. Each member from the cast receive pretty good moments and the writer does his best to make every scene represent exactly who they are.

They're even some interesting developments like Jericho and how he relates to the rest of the team which is something I wish would be explored in other storylines. The ending is also quite satisfying for all the protagonists.

Nicola Scott rocked on art duties thanks to her beautiful characters, precise storytelling and great sense of style.

Wonderul issue and I'm sad to see this characters go.

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