martes, 12 de diciembre de 2023

Some thoughts about World's Finest: Teen Titans #6

Can the team face the Terror Titans?

Robin believes that the only way to beat their new enemies is to leave their differences aside and work together properly. However, Batman will always be a complication for him and this might be his last mission.

Pretty solid overall once again.

Mark Waid concludes this opening arc by putting a resolution for most of the issues the cast had. The character work is really well done as a whole and while I believe that some of their problems were solved a bit quickly (most notably the messy relationship between Roy Harper and Oliver Queen), I think this development gets the job done for the most part.

There's not a lot of plot per se since the chapter is mostly focused on action scenes that are over rather quickly (and to be honest the antagonists were not that interesting) but still, is great to see how the characters prepare for the future in their different ways and their relationship are pretty on-point (especially the dynamic between Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson).

Mike Norton and Emanuela Lupacchino share the pencils and their work is pretty consistent during the course of the read with a fluid style.

Good read, wish this series continued.

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