miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013

Some thoughts about The Flash #23.2: Reverse-Flash

The origin of The Reverse-Flash is finally revealed.

Daniel West has always resented his father due to his abusive treat towards him and his sister and after the events that changed his life on the gorilla invasion he at last has the power to go backwards in time and try to fix his past and mistakes. There's a catch though, the past is apparently not what he remembered.

Welp, we already figured this a long time ago, Daniel West is The Reverse-Flash. The revelation itself was well handled though, Daniel's motivations are interestinly explained as well as his relationship with his sister, Iris West. The way how he gained his powers makes sense too in retrospective and you can blame The Rogues for that.

I was disappointing that Manapul was not the one doing the pencils but Scott Hepburn manages to deliver a solid work, although I wish his characters looked better.

Yeah, pretty good issue. The Reverse-Flash storyline continues to be the best yet from this series which makes the recent announcement about this creative team leaving much more disappointing.

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